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Yellow Flowers


You're what you digest

Gut health is essential for our immune system considering about 80% our immune system lies in our guts. And nutrition is one of the basics to support our gut health. However, we’re bombarded with information on healthy nutrition. And you might be rightfully confused.


Although there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, there’re some basics we can use as a framework for eating healthy and customize the details to our needs.


You won’t wake up one day and start making healthier choices. You need to identify your why, identify needs and objectives, know how to start, where to start and prioritize items in your action plan.



In this workshop, we’ll go over the main pillars of wellbeing and discuss ways to improve our overall health based on our life style choices. This is going to be a workshop with a practical approach to wellbeing with bonus content on habit building practises.


In this workshop, we will focus on 2 pillars based on functional medicine principles:

Fork Sculpture

Eat smart

Set Table for Dinner

Eat mindful

Yoga practise: Twisted flow

The training will be followed by a 45min yoga practise with a focus on twists to activate and ease up your digestive system.


I’m specialized in Awakening Yoga which is based on vinyasa yoga with an emphasis on functional alignment and introspection. It’s developed by renown yoga teacher Patrick Beach and Carling Nicole. Instead of trying to change our bodies to fit into a pose, we modify the pose to make it fit to our body. Curiosity for the practise, for our edges and rituals for giving in is at the core of the awakening yoga practise.

Nazli in asana

In the workshop, we’ll flow with a focus on twists which help our digestive system work better.

This is not going to be a strenuous, advanced yoga practise. But previous yoga experience would help, though not required.

Practical details

Price & Duration

The workshop will last for 2 hours and the price is €40.


The fee is refundable until 1-week prior to the workshop.

To register for the workshop, you can simply click the button below and proceed with registration and payment. 

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